Leetcode 743:Network Delay Time — Dijkstra’s algorithm(Python)

Deepa Saw
3 min readJan 20, 2024


Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash
class Solution:
def networkDelayTime(self, times: List[List[int]], n: int, k: int) -> int:
for u,v,w in times:
while minHeap:
if n1 in visit:
for n2,w2 in d[n1]:
return t if len(visit)==n else -1

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of the code:

1. Data Structure Setup:

  • d = collections.defaultdict(list): Creates a dictionary d to store the network connections. Each key will represent a node (source node), and its value will be a list of lists, where each inner list contains a destination node and the weight (time) of the connection between them.
  • visit = set(): Creates an empty set visit to keep track of visited nodes, ensuring we don't visit them multiple times.
  • minHeap = [[0, k]]: Creates a min-heap minHeap to prioritize nodes with the minimum total time to reach them. It's initialized with [0, k], indicating that the starting time is 0 and the starting node is k.

2. Building the Graph:

  • for u, v, w in times:: Iterates through the times list, which contains information about connections (source node u, destination node v, and weight w).
  • d[u].append([v, w]): Adds the connection details ([v, w]) to the list of connections for the source node u in the d dictionary.

3. Dijkstra’s Algorithm (Finding Shortest Paths):

  • while minHeap:: Continues until the min-heap is empty (all reachable nodes have been visited).
  • w1, n1 = heapq.heappop(minHeap): Pops the node with the minimum total time from the min-heap, storing its time as w1 and its node as n1.
  • if n1 in visit:: Checks if the node has already been visited. If so, skips to the next iteration.
  • visit.add(n1): Adds the node n1 to the visit set, marking it as visited.
  • t = max(t, w1): Updates the overall maximum time t with the current node's total time w1.
  • for n2, w2 in d[n1]: Iterates through the neighbors (n2) and their connection weights (w2) from the current node n1.
  • heapq.heappush(minHeap, [w1 + w2, n2]): Pushes the neighbor nodes onto the min-heap with their updated total time (w1 + w2) to explore them later.

4. Determining Result:

  • return t if len(visit) == n else -1: If all nodes have been visited (len(visit) == n), returns the maximum time t as the answer. Otherwise, returns -1, indicating that not all nodes are reachable from the starting node k.

Time Complexity:

  • Building the graph: O(E), where E is the number of connections in times.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm: O(E log V), where V is the number of nodes in the graph. This is due to:
  • Pushing nodes onto the min-heap: O(log V) for each node.
  • Heap operations (pop, push): O(log V) each.
  • Visiting each node (and its neighbors) at most once.
  • Overall time complexity: O(E log V), dominated by Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Space Complexity:

  • Graph representation (d): O(E) to store connections.
  • Visited set (visit): O(V) to track visited nodes.
  • Min-heap (minHeap): At most O(V) nodes in the heap at any time.
  • Other variables: O(1) space for variables like t, w1, n1, etc.
  • Overall space complexity: O(E + V) due to the graph and visited set.



Deepa Saw
Deepa Saw

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